Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi! I’m south of Boston – anyone else from Massachusetts? I would love to have more local community : )
ParticipantYes, Caroline! That would be great! We’re on the Eastern Shore right across the bay. Thank you so much!
Participantoh goodness, I WISH I had some tips for you. Currently in that fun dance right along with you! Wooooooo!!! I’m rather lucky that at least when our little guy crawls in with us he decides it’s time to go back to sleep. But take him back to his bed, he’ll scream bloody murder. ***eye rolllll**
ParticipantLOL Kenneth, I laughed out loud while reading that, but it’s true! It’s 100% true and a great tactic!
ParticipantI would like to echo everything the Other Goose Keymaster mentioned. They will continue to learn right alongside you. and of course these Other Goose activities weekly that only require a few dedicated minutes here and there. I found it definitely helped to have things prepped. Whether it’s an activity that doesn’t require too much clean up that I prepped the night before, or some food in the fridge that is easy to eat finger food, it will help in times when the toddler wants some attention but the baby needs it too.
ParticipantSuch an exciting time! I am 2 weeks postpartum and I’ll add just two things: It always seems like the transition is hardest for the toddler. And I do my very best to not always blame the baby for what can not happen right now. For example, when the toddler wants help pouring a drink, “I say, I can get that for. you in 5 minutes.” As opposed to: “I am nursing the baby right now, you’ll have to wait.” Because I think sometimes toddlers begin to begrudge the baby. But asking for their help to get a diaper or wipe out for you, teaching them to diaper their baby doll, singing the toddler’s favorite songs to help calm a fussy baby. Including the toddler as much as possible has helped mine along.
Also, one funny thing: the toddler (who has been weaned for more than a year) asked to nurse when we were cuddling. I expressed a sip of my milk in a cup for her, and she said, “YUMMY! More, please!” and I thought, oh no! What have I done!?? I gave her a little more. Then my other two kids wanted to try. So we had a little breastmilk tasting party. Inside I was nervous that everyone would want this all the time now. But it satisfied the curiosity and no one has asked for mom’s milk again.anonymous
ParticipantHi Allison! Wishing you all the best during this exciting time. My best advice is to outsource as much as you can and accept help when it’s offered. When our second was born I still tried to do everything myself and ended up really burned out. When our third came along, I was much better at receiving help and was able to be specific. If someone asked, “how can I help?” I wouldn’t be afraid to say grocery pick up, or laundry, and watching my other two so I could have some time to regroup. And mostly, be gentle with yourself. It takes the time it takes (and it’s different for everyone) to settle into a new rhythm when there’s a new addition to the family. Sending love!
ParticipantMaking note of these suggestions! Thanks, guys! I am repeating some here, but I love:
•What Should I Read Next with Anne Bogel
•One Great Book with Anne Bogel
•Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul
•The Popcast
•Risen Motherhood
•The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey
•Simple with Tsh Oxenreider
•The Wellness Mama Podcast
•The Next Right Thing with Emily Freeman
•Truth in Love with ACBCanonymous
ParticipantI love these suggestions, thanks for sharing.
We have a birthday coming up soon & I’m thinking about doing a ‘spiderweb’ of streamer tape across the bedroom door for him to wake up to :)anonymous
ParticipantWe’re here in Phoenix, AZ! We’d love to connect with others near us!
ParticipantFrog and Toad series. My son is a reluctant reader but he enjoys these.
ParticipantThe read aloud family by Sarah maackenenzie. I’ve been struggling to read books for adults, the only books I’ve read in the last few years have been for kids 🙈. This was the first one after a long time. I loved it, especially the chapters on creating a book club atmosphere at home.
ParticipantHi there,
I am moving to Elmsford, NY later this month. Is that close to you?
ParticipantI also just finished Digital Minimalism and it has been incredible. Such a framework shift and exactly what i needed to realize how addicted i was to my phone even when i thought i was just a “standard” user. I’m about to start the detox but even just taking Sri’s to minimize my use at key times of the day (and deleting the social apps) has made me feel so much more calm and less anxious. Now I’m reading Reclaiming Conversation by Sherry Turkle which is a branch off the same tree.
ParticipantMy littles love The Magic Faraway Tree. Great read!