We’re so glad you’re here.
Other Goose was founded by Erin Loechner, bestselling author and the daughter of two public school teachers, seeking a different way to educate her kids. After traveling the world and searching for an all-inclusive classroom that valued play, freedom, and structure, she discovered the solution in her own (literal) backyard: homeschooling.
But when the time came to choose an educational plan for her kids under 7, the search wasn’t so simple. Where was the methodology that valued all philosophies of learning? Where was the boxed curriculum that didn’t box out the parent? Where was the simple homeschooling strategy that held space for open-ended discovery?
Other Goose was born from these questions. Together with a team of thought-leaders, childhood development experts, research scholars, and environmentalists, Erin welcomes all learners. We truly are so very glad you’re here.

p.s. Have questions? We’ve got answers, or hear what the experts are saying.