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Birthday Balloons

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Homeroom Community Forum Holidays Birthday Balloons

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    We fill their rooms with balloons so that they wake up to them on their birthday. I honestly thought they would grow out of this little tradition, but now they ask for it. A super simple way to wake up excited for their day.


    i love love LOVE balloons! and stickers! but lately been trying to avoid the use of plastic. i’m wondering about origami balloons of some kind. maybe there’s a paper replacement! i’m sure it would be just as pretty.

    Erin Loechner

    Great thought, Becky!!!!!!!!!! We have friends that make scrap paper chains for weeks leading up to birthdays. On the morning of the birthday, they hang them from the ceiling for pretty mobiles. :)


    I love these suggestions, thanks for sharing.
    We have a birthday coming up soon & I’m thinking about doing a ‘spiderweb’ of streamer tape across the bedroom door for him to wake up to :)

    Erin Loechner

    Such a lovely idea, Tessa – let us know how it goes! :)

    Tala Ciatti

    I’ve seen pretty, foraged greens and flowers hung from walls and ceilings for celebrations like this – however, some may need to be taken down before they wilt and look spooky!

    Tala Ciatti

    I would also like to begin keeping a list of highlights the child will remember through the year, and on his birthday, filling his room or covering the dining room wall with small notes or pictures or doodles that show events from the previous year. A picture/memory/scrap book as a birthday gift would do the same thing, but I can’t throw that together the night before as easily. :)


    We do bed presents. On your birthday you wake up to one gift at the end of your bed to start the day off.

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