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Allison Fingalson

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  • in reply to: Stubborn/attitude for lesson time #58114
    Allison Fingalson

    Maybe start doing the activity yourself and narrate what you are getting?

    in reply to: Scripts for big emotions #56202
    Allison Fingalson

    I say something similar but i try to also show I see her feelings so I say “I can see/hear you are upset. I cannot understand the problem when you scream. Lets take deep breaths to calm down.” Then I model deep breaths.

    in reply to: Lesson Adaptations #45511
    Allison Fingalson

    This week we are supposed to us patience and perseverance in waiting for dairy cream to get harder. There was a adaptation to whip eggs instead, but my children cannot have either dairy or egg. So instead I whipped aquafaba (the liquid left behind in a can of chickpeas). It has similar properties as egg- as a binder, to make baked goods fluffier, and if whipped(for a long time-patience, and perseverance!) makes firm peaks just like egg whites would.

    in reply to: Re-written Nursery Rhymes #45108
    Allison Fingalson

    This is wonderful!
    My only ones are really boring!! I just used my kids names to a random tune- the ones Ive sang them since they were born are “Maryanna, maryanna I love you.” Over and over set to she will be coming round the mountain. :) and my more creative “Ully boy, Ully boy. My little wolf” (my son’s name is Ulric, which means king of wolves).

    I did adapt TuLaRu (my daughter calls it the crying song)
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Lie
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra
    now its ok to cry
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Lie
    Tu Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra
    listen to my lullaby

    in reply to: Birthdays while Social Distancing? #44717
    Allison Fingalson

    My daughter just celebrated her 5th birthday this week! We had friends and family sending messages all week! Videos, cards, it was great!
    Then for the actual day my husband ( essential worker so has been working), took the day off. We let her choose what she wanted all day, she had cupcakes for breakfast, we ordered take out (first time we did that so nearly a month without eating out!). She wanted mermaid hair, so we used semi permanent hair dye and dyed her and my hair(purple and red!).
    Basically it was a day full of yes. And it was great. She said it was the best birthday ever.

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