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Sippy Cups

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    erin Loechner

    Speaking of sippy cups, we’re crazy about these:

    Super easy to clean, and dishwasher-safe! Plus, my toddlers like feeling like they have “big kid” water bottles. :)


    I’ve used the the Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer cups for all three of my littles, and we’ve loved them!

    Erin Loechner

    Great tip, Krisanne – thank you!

    Ashley McCuistion

    We also use the Munchkin Miracle 360 for drinks other than milk. They are easy to clean and do not spill. For water we use the Puj Phillup Hanging cups so the kiddos (4&2) can serve themselves water…also less dishes!


    After washing enough plastic bottles, we opted to skip sippy cups. We’ve been really happy using jam jars! We started our now-toddler on a sample size jam jar (i.e., 1.5 oz: around a year old, then he moved to a 4 oz jar around 1.5 years, and is now on a 6 oz jar at age three. Our adult glasses are 8 oz, so he’ll graduate to that eventually. All of our jars have been “free” (i.e., the cost of jam, although I think you can get these for super cheap at craft stores), upcycled, and small enough that dropping them never causes problems!


    We love reusing our Oui yogurt cups to train our little ones to drink out of a cup. :)

    Kristen Stokes

    Our go to drink vessels around here are pura stainless insulated. Weve used the same 3 for almost 4 years, from formula through a nipple, the sippy spouts, the straws, and finally the pour spout. I even use them myself. At home we also love duralex for toddler sized glassware that won’t shatter every time it falls. And lately I picked up two toddler cups from Eastfork, and we are all obsessed. They’ll hold toddler amounts of anything, shots of tequila, espresso, or hot tea.

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