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Playground Task

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  • #23328

    Any creative ideas on how to adapt this week’s playground challenge to a yard without a playground? Right now we have a small trampoline, little tiles playhouse with kitchen, and mud pit. What else could I set up in a flash to encourage her gross motor skills in this task? Thanks!

    Erin Loechner

    Hi Cassie:

    Great question! In the past, we’ve had the kids set up an obstacle course with a hula hoop (or a simple rope/scarf laying on the grass in a circle) to weave in and out of. Or, a driveway “obstacle course” with chalk only using arrows and shapes or doodles as commands to run/jump/hop/skip however many times. ;) We’ve also got a tangle maze indoors on the docket for next week, so stay tuned for that! It’ll achieve a very similar effect.

    So very thrilled you’re here and enjoying these connection prompts with your daughter!

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