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  • #28514

    Madison, WI with a 2yo!


    Iowa! 👋


    Hello everyone, I’m from Toledo, Ohio. I’m new to working from home due to COVID-19 and I have a 2 year old girl and a 5 year old boy. I’m so thankful for this resource during this season. And as of this morning, my kids are no calling me “Mommy Teacher.” :) While this time of uncertainty is nothing like I could have ever imagined, my goal is not to just get through it, but to be intentional about stopping to reflect on what I can take from it. I’m certain I’m going to learn so much through this process.


    Hello from Cleveland Ohio! I have a 5 year old son, a 3.5 year old daughter, and 10 month old baby girl. Homeschooling was something that’s been on my heart for 2-3 years, but I just didn’t know the how… then being thrown into it with COVID-19. I am so grateful for this resource. I feel so much more connected with my kids, at peace in our home and in our homeschool, and excited to start each day! I’m learning so much about parenting along the way. I am being blessed and so are my kids. If you are local, reach out! I would love to connect :)


    Hi! I’m originally from Cosenza a city in Calabria (Italy) but I’m currently living in Chicago with my canadian husband and almost 4 years old daughter and almost 2 years old son. Would love to hear from other parents who have dual language spoken at home and how they are using the platform. Thank you


    I’m from Peoria, IL, too!


    Hi, everybody! I’m totally new–to Other Goose and to homeschooling–and located in St. Louis, MO. I have a five-year-old son, a three-year-old daughter and a newborn.


    I am new here; trying out my free two week trial and loving the Edu kindred spirit I feel here.

    I have just started delving into the world of homeschooling.
    I am in SE Michigan and wondering what other families have found helpful as local support, pre or during covid. I have a 3 and 5 year old.

    Thank you!


    P.S. If virtual support has been helpful, please share as well. Difficult to do in person local things anyway at the moment. Hope everyone is well and in good spirits!


    Sandusky, Ohio here!!! (Not sure if anyone still uses these boards). Just discovered Other Goose for my 2.5 year old.


    Cincinnati, Ohio!

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