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Homeroom Community Forum Managing a Home Decluttering


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  • #660
    Erin Loechner

    Anyone have any favorite methods for decluttering toys, books, etc?


    After we put the kids down for bed, my husband and I take the next 30-45 minutes cleaning the kitchen and putting toys away. It makes all the difference for me to wake up to a clean-ish home!
    Also, we have a bunch of toys in our home and I recently bought a couple of 2×1 cubicles from Target, laid them on their long side, and put a couple of cushions on top to act as a little reading nook/storage bin. We still have a few big toys out, but I love that it hides most of the clutter!

    Erin Loechner

    Love love love your tips! Thanks for sharing!!! :)


    The Simplicity Parenting book by Kim John Payne was a wonderful book about how to simplify life and area they focus on is toys and books! It’s a very inspiring resource.
    I love to set my timer for 15 minutes and dig into something that needs decluttering. Then it doesn’t feel like the task robs me of my whole morning or afternoon. It’s amazing how much can get done in a nice focused time allotment.

    Erin Loechner

    AMEN, AMEN, AMEN! We love love that book, too! Such a good breath of fresh air and perspective!


    reading Marie Kondo’s book and then the Netflix show gave me a push to donate toys given from loved ones that aren’t used but i was feeling like i had to keep around because a certain relative had gifted it.

    Erin Loechner

    We’ve heard such good things about Tidying Up, thanks for sharing! :)


    If I’m overwhelmed by a room and just need to get it tidy quick, I grab an empty box and put everything in it that doesn’t belong. If I’m on top of things (read: rare), items in that box will be put away over the course of the next few days. But alas there the current box sits.
    I second Simplicity Parenting! Also, Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin – getting to that inner calm is so, so motivating.


    I have worked hard to declutter and have adopted a “one in, one out” rule. If I want to bring in a new spatula, mug, sweater, etc – then an existing one leaves my home. This is true for all things except books lol

    I second Outer Order, Inner Calm! Loved that book! I also love the Minimal-ish podcast. It reminds you to give yourself grace, and talks a lot about realistic minimalism – with kids!! :) Highly recommend!

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