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Homeroom Community Forum Member Feedback! Missed lessons

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  • #64146

    I love the lessons. But, sometimes I fall behind. I’ll read about a lesson and intend on doing it that day but don’t actually get around to it until a couple of days later. Problem is, the screen has refreshed and that lesson is nowhere to be found :( How can I access old lessons from previous weeks and do them? Specifically, I’m looking for the calcium carbonate test with rocks, if that helps.

    Thanks a lot!


    Hi Bianca,
    No worries – we skip/miss lessons each week too.
    The Homeroom just shows the newest lessons from the current week. But if you go over two tabs to the right from Homeroom, you’ll find Progress Report. Here you have the full list of all the lessons.

    The one you’re looking for is “Try the acid test” and you can search by the name if you like.

    Emelia :)


    I purposely skip lessons if we’re busy or inspired by other things. And then it’s great to have a bunch to peruse and store away for later. Then when my kiddos are interested in a relevant topic, I can more easily offer activity ideas without forcing them.

    Good luck with the calcium carbonate test! :)


    wow thanks so much! that helps a ton :)


    I was able to find it! However, the experiment didn’t work–i didn’t know what to do with the chalk (no instruction on what to do with it in the lesson plan) so didn’t use it but also we scratched the rocks and all that happened was the material from the penny came off onto the rock-no fresh rock material exposed and no reaction. rocks were wet-perhaps that was the reason?


    Glad you were able to find the lesson but sorry it didn’t go so smoothly. I haven’t tried that one yet so I don’t have any tips from experience.

    I think Erin meant that if you put vinegar on the chalk you would get a lot of fizziness! Perhaps the rocks you found didn’t have calcium carbonate? If you try it again – sneak in a sure bet with the chalk….you could break up a piece so the kiddos don’t recognize it as easily. :)

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