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  • #1166

    I love to wake up early and savor quite time to myself for yoga, meditation, prayer and reading. It really helps the rest of the day go smoothly if mama is at least ready for the day. Then during nap time, I grab a quick 10 minute workout with Barre3 online and then I head straight to my studio for some creative time. This is a good winter routine at least! :)

    How do you work in some me time?

    Erin Loechner

    Oooh, we’re new to Barre3 – thanks for the tip! :)

    We like leaving out a surprise box on Saturday mornings. It’s filled with coloring sheets, crayons or a special snack to busy our little ones. An instant recipe for sleeping in – at least ’til 8am. ;)


    I hope the surprise box worked! Sounds fun!

    Erin Loechner

    It did! :)


    with two little ones now i miss the quiet i had during nap time as they both don’t nap at the same time so i’ve had to find me time in other places. i don’t love waking up early, but when my body naturally wakes up and it’s 5am and no one else is up, quietly sitting on the couch with a coffee and scrolling through instagram is pretty satisfying. :)

    Erin Loechner

    Amen amen! :)

    Tala Ciatti

    Loved seeing the range of suggestions in this short post – I’ve frequently debated Instagram and other social media use, as it often feels like a satisfying break, but slowly creeps until I’ve given social media most of my down time. Regular practice of discipline in other areas helps, and some “all or nothing” breaks help too. Will be following further here to hear new ideas!

    Erin Loechner

    Totally on the same page over here, Tala! When the ship wrecks, for me, is when those rare borrowed moments of peace aren’t spent wisely. If I’m storing them up to stare into a phone, to scroll through a sea of voices and expectation. My motto: When I’m given quiet, I stay quiet. When I’m given space, I take up my space. If time is offered, I do my darn best to make it count. :)

    Tala Ciatti

    “When given quiet, stay quiet.” This may be a ballpoint pen tattoo on my wrist this week. Helps me remember that 1} so much of this is a gift, and that 2} I can be intentional in using the gift well. Thanks.


    I looooooove my morning routine! Twice a week I coach in my garage (CrossFit style workouts), while for the other 5 mornings, I wake up around 5-5:30, make a cup of tea and relax in the peace and quiet. I journal out Gratitude, Surrenders, Affirmations, and Mantras for the current season. I take a look at my weekly plan and things I’d like to accomplish (including sorting out where to fit in some Other Goose time!), and if my kids are still sleeping after all this I listen to an audiobook (currently listening to Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids) or a podcast. It isn’t always easy getting out of bed, but it’s just so worth it and I find it sets my mindset for the day. In such an incredible way!!!

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