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The Best Advice for Keeping Kids Healthy Right Now

Raise your hand if you’ve been battling colds left and right like a crazed game of Whack-a-mole. Yup – us, too! It’s enough to throw up your hands and never want to leave the house again, right?

With so much information swirling around throughout these crazy quarantine times, we thought it would be ever-helpful to track down a few trusted resources in the medical world to determine the best course of action for keeping our kids healthy right now. Truth be told, we were 1000% surprised by what they had to say…

Resoundingly, each medical expert mentioned returning to our roots as the #1 recommended way to stay healthy. Getting back to the basics, it seems, is still a tried-and-true method for keeping kids well. Fresh air, vitamin C, plenty of fluids, nutrition, quality sleep, and good hygiene all topped the list of recommendations. Read on for more advice from a few of today’s top medical professionals…


The best advice for keeping kids healthy right now? Two words: washing hands. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, handwashing can reduce respiratory infections by up to 50% and gastrointestinal illnesses by up to 33% – in both kids and adults.

Whether you make hand sanitizing entertaining with silly songs, a fun foaming soap or just a simple reminder, healthy habits are contagious. Just make sure your children are washing their hands the right way. Kids (and well, everyone!) should wash their hands for about 20 seconds to cleanse off any germs and bacteria. You can sing “Happy Birthday” twice, or simply count to twenty slowly.

(Note: Other Goose members, search your lessons for our beloved hand-washing song to learn a favorite classic your kids will remember forever!]


Still, hand washing isn’t the only recommended course of action for keeping kids healthy right now. We tracked down Dr. Richard Besser, chief health and medical editor at ABC News, to find out what the recent research points to in terms of keeping our kids healthy.

Dr. Besser suggests – drum roll, please! – getting kids outside as much as possible. Not only is fresh air a perfectly natural boost for the immune system, but exploring natural surroundings and using the experience as a learning tool is a great way to keep moving and interacting as a family. Yes, emotional health is often just as important as physical healthy, and the benefits of getting outside are enormous. Nature helps to reduce stress and increase creativity in kids, and it can also improve cardiovascular health and bolster healthy immune systems.

[Psst: Want 5 crowd-pleasing ideas for getting the kids outside? We’ve got you covered with our Nature Bonus Pack — only $1 here!] 


Plus, kids who are active tend to sleep better, which is definitely good news when it comes to toddlers and young kids who tend to fight bedtime, Amen? Nature can benefit kids not just in the moment but also in their sleep routine – for life! Sounds like a hyperbolic statement, right? But a recent study on pre-school children showed that good sleep habits are established by the age of three, which means that enforcing healthy routines now can have a lifelong impact on their development and wellbeing for years to come.

Getting your kids’ quality sleep doesn’t have to be a chore. Creating a set bedtime that your children know is non-negotiable, as well as healthy sleep rituals that your child knows and trusts, are perfect shortcuts to a full night of ZZZs.

[Need a few suggestions? We’ve got 5 favorite sleep rituals in our bonus pack right this way!]


Keeping kids healthy involves more than the immune system. Focusing on nutrition plays a key role in healthy development, and the foods you feed your children have a big impact on their mood, brain health, motor skills, cognitive awareness, and overall wellness. Think proactively by considering ways to make healthy choices a daily habit, like smoothie lunches every weekday, or by keeping a stash of healthy snacks to grab on your way out the door.

(Note: Other Goose members, search your lessons for meal plans, advice for picky eaters, healthy recipes, cooking with toddlers, and so much more during our guest expert week with Kacie Barnes, registered dietitian, nutritionist, and mother of two littles!]


When all else fails and the kids catch a bug, remember: this, too, shall pass. Enjoy a few audio books, sofa snuggles, and slurp that chicken noodle soup. Sending good healing vibes from our home to yours!



p.s. Want to surprise your under-the-weather littles with a sweet treat? Enjoy our $1 bonus pack full of sick day activities, right this way.