Have a question you don’t see below? We’re here to help. Contact us anytime!
Q: Which homeschooling methodology does Other Goose follow?
A: We believe there are a million ways to teach a child well, and that every child is different. No one method will do! Our curriculum is custom-developed based on learning objectives and goals for children aged 2-7 with a strong emphasis in the following categories: Literature, Relationships, Creativity, Math, Language, Foundations, Outdoors, Logic, Rhythms, and Habits. For a sample lesson plan, click here!
Q: I’m not currently homeschooling. Am I in the right place?
A: Of course! Many Other Goose parents rely on our weekly lessons to enrich a traditional educational path, and still more have joined for access to the incredible, encouraging community. You’re welcome here, wherever you land!
Q: How long will Other Goose activities take each day, on average?
A: Our lessons are interactive and powerful in their simplicity. While many could take no longer than 20 minutes to complete, we believe each and every lesson is a launch point for deeper connection and exploration with your little.
Q: I have multiple children 7 and under. Do I have to pay extra? And do the lessons work together so I can teach them all at the same time?
A: The more, the merrier! Other Goose is just $12.99/month per household, so no need to pay extra for multiple children. And yes, our curriculum is designed to work for the entire family’s rhythm. Each age-specific lesson closely complements others in different age groups so you can teach your children similar concepts within the same activity.
Q: Do I need any fancy supplies to follow this curriculum?
A: Not at all! We believe in using what you already own. Most of our lessons require the basics: you, your child, a few on-hand supplies and a ready mind!
Q: I’m curious to see more about what my membership includes.
A: We’d be honored to show you! If you’d like to take a short tour of our custom-built, parent-designed platform, click here. Or, for the full member experience, enjoy two weeks on us via our free trial.
Q: Is Other Goose religiously affiliated?
A: No. While our curriculum is rooted in a worldview that focuses on love, kindness and respect to all, we do not present any particular doctrine or religious creed.